Tata Docomo launches TwittCom, Just tweet to recharge and activate VAS

Tata Docomo has launched a new initiative called TwittCom that would let GSM Pre-paid customers to recharge and activate a Value added service/ application through Twitter just by mentions and hashtags. This has been developed indigenously by the team at Tata Teleservices Limited.

For registering their numbers customers go to @tatadocomo, type in #reg <Mobile Number> and they will receive a pin code for verification through SMS. Once the verification code is received, customers need to go to the twitter handle again, key in #code <Pincode> and they will get a tweet confirming registration.

For activating value added services the process is simple, a customer just needs to go to the handle (@tatadocomo) and key in #act# <Service><value>. They will get a tweet back confirming activation of the service.

This service can be used to activate GPRS packs, 3G packs and Value Added Services (VAS). Just go to Tata Docomo TwittCom help page to see the complete list of codes to activate these services.

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Author: Srivatsan Sridhar

Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram