Xolo X500 was launched in India last week. We brought you the hands-on images and the benchmarks, here we finally bring you the unboxing. It packs a 3.5 inch (480 x 320 pixels) TFT capacitive touch screen display, powered by a 1.2 GHz Atom Lexington Z2420 processor and runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich).
The phone comes with dual SIM support with dual Standby. It has 3G HSPA+ 21 Mbps, Bluetooth, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n and GPS / aGPS support. It has a 5MP auto focus camera with burst mode that takes 6 images in 1 second. It also has 1080p full HD video recording and playback.
A simple white box houses the phone. The small black handset is placed in a paperboard tray.
The box contents include, XOLO X500 handset, charger, 1500 mAh battery, earphone, USB cable, quick start guide and a warranty card.
The in-ear earphones come with 3 different ear buds to suit your ears, similar to the Xolo X900.
There is a micro USB Cable in the box that would let you connect the phone to the provided 2-pin wall charger or to the PC.
It has a 1500 mAh battery.
There are four capacitive touch buttons below the display.
Unlike the Xolo X900, this one has a removable back cover. It has space for two SIM cards and an SD card besides each other. The Xolo X500 is priced at Rs. 8,999 and is currently available in the Indian market.
Check out the Xolo X500 photo gallery and the benchmarks. We will bring you the complete review of the device soon.
Srivatsan contributed to this report