Palm Pixi is Official, joins the webOS family

palm-pixi_heroPalm announced the Pixi last week and its the latest entrant to the webOS family of handsets. The official announcement indicated that is phone is coming out this Q4 on Sprint in USA. The phone promises the same kick-ass UI as the Pre with Multitasking,Synergy for Contacts, Notifications and Search.  From the looks of this phone it looks like an elongated version of the Centro with a touchscreen.


  • 320×400 Touchscreen
  • 2 MP Camera with LED Flash
  • GPS
  • Bluetooth
  • 8GB Memory
  • 3.5mm audio port , microUSB port
  • Thickness: 10.85mm its the thinnest palm phone ever !

The handset would sell at a price of $149.99 with a contract. We seriously hope Palm releases GSM versions of thse phones outside the USA.

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Author: Team FoneArena

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