Gionee launched the Elife E3 in India back in May. We reviewed the device last month that runs on Android 4.2.1 (Jelly Bean). Gionee has announced that they have started rolling out a over-the-air (OTA) update for the device. This update doesn’t upgrade the Android version but brings new Camera features including new modes picture clear, best picture, muli-angle shots and beauty effects. This also adds online wallpaper, support for Indian cities in the weather app, new du batter and Gionee Xender apps.
According to the official changelog the update include,
- Camera:
- Picture Clear (background)
- Best Picture
- 12 Levels of Beauty Effects
- MAV (take a photo by multi-angle)
- The WEATHER parts:
- Add India’s city list
- Increase the local cache
- Online wallpaper
- Add applications as du battery’, Gionee Xender
- New theme called colorful
The Over-the-Air (OTA) update is about 204MB and is rolling out for the Elife E3 users in India. The company did not announce any new updates for the Dream D1 that was the first device from Gionee to launch in India.