Amzer launched the Hybrid Kickstand Case for the Nexus 5 last year. It is priced at an MRP of Rs. 849, but it is available in the market for around Rs. 769. It has two layer protection, that protects the Nexus 5 from bumps and accidental drops. It offers a premium look and has rubberized feel, that provides extra grip.
The screen is completely accessible, even with the case.
The first layer has a durable silicone cover and the second layer has impact resistant polycarbonate hard shell that wraps around the silicone layer.
The case also has a removable kick stand, as you can see in the image above.
The kick stand lets you watch videos or play games using a controller, when the phone
All controls and ports and controls are easily accessible. The stand also acts as a finger hold to prevent accidental drops, when you are on call. Check out few more images below.