Ever since the Sundar Pichai, Head of Chrome, took over Android, things have hinted that Google is moving more towards a Chrome centric future rather than an Android centric future. But as a turn of events, Sundar Pichai has announced that Google will be releasing an Android SDK for wearables in two weeks time.
Although he mentioned that Android SDK would be coming for wearables, there was no mention or no information about the rumored Google Smartwatch. Sundar Pichai spoke about Google at the broader wearable technology and he even hinted that a smart jacket powered by Android could be coming(although it could be a sarcastic joke).
Sundar Pichai had announced about the development during SXSW at Austin, Texas. According to a Google spokes person, there won’t be a huge event when Google announces the SDK for wearable devices.
This is what Sundar Pichai had to tell about wearable tech – “When we say wearables we think about it much more broadly. It’s for partners and developers to figure out. It could be a jacket … with sensors — I don’t know.”
Sundar Pichai was also about how Google is planning to tackle Apple’s CarPlay and Sundar Pichai hinted that their approach would be more like what they did with TVs- Chromecast approach. Instead of having two separate Android platforms running on the car and smartphone, it could be a unified version with just mirroring.