Samsung Restore: An Eco Friendly Device

Samsung has announced a new device called “Restore“, a eco-friendly messaging device made from all the Environment Friendly materials.

Apart from being Eco-Friendly, this device sports a sliding QWERTY keyboard, 2 megapixel camera, Music Player, optical navigation key, Bluetooth, Support for microSD card slot of upto 32GB. And keeping in mind the eco-friendliness around the device, the device comes with an Energy Star Version 2.0 rated charger and a Sprint One Click button which gives users quick access to adopt a greener lifestyle.

Also the casing of the device sports 27% of recycled plastic, pretty low levels of PVC, BFRs, Phthalates, Beryllium and the phone is touted to be 84% recyclable on the whole.

Samsung Restore will hit the Sprint stores this summer for $49.99 on a 2 -year contract from Sprint and $50 mail-in rebate.

(via Samsung Hub)

Google Maps 4.0 for Blackberry Out. Adds Google Buzz Support

Google Mobile team has released the latest version of Google Maps for all the Blackberry devices.

With this version 4.0 of Google Maps, Google Mobile team has added many new features like Search By Voice, Google Buzz Support, Personalized search suggestions etc.

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