10.or (pronounced Tenor) made its debut in India with the 10.or E smartphone in September, later in the month it launched the 10.or G with impressive on-paper specs – 5.5-inch 1080p screen, Snapdragon 626 and dual 13-megapixel rear cameras at a competitive price tag of Rs. 10,999. Did it live up to our expectations? Let us dive into the review to find out.
Tag: 10.or G
10.or G Unboxing
10.or (pronounced Tenor) launched the 10.or G its second smartphone exclusively on Amazon India starting at Rs. 10,999 last week. Here we have the unboxing of the smartphone. Continue reading “10.or G Unboxing”
10.or G with 5.5-inch 1080p display, Snapdragon 626, 13MP dual rear cameras launched starting at Rs. 10999
Earlier this month 10.or (pronounced Tenor) made its debut in India with the 10.or E. Today it has launched 10.or G with 5.5-inch 1080p 2.5D curved glass screen, Octa-Core Snapdragon 626 Mobile Platform, Android 7.1.2 (Nougat) that will be upgradable to Android 8.0 (Oreo), Dual 13-megapixel rear (RGB + Monochrome) camera with phase detection auto focus (PDAF), dual-tone LED flash and a 16-megapixel front-facing camera that also has an LED flash. Continue reading “10.or G with 5.5-inch 1080p display, Snapdragon 626, 13MP dual rear cameras launched starting at Rs. 10999”