Nimbuzz recently launched a S60V5 edition of their messenger application to support 5800 and the upcoming N97. For the uninitiated people, Nimbuzz is an IM / VoIP application that supports Skype, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, AIM, GoogleTalk, Facebook, MySpace, Jabber etc. The appearance and UI of this application looks a lot similar to the the Fring Application but feature wise, this application has more features as compared to Fring. However like Fring, Nimbuzz Application is also completely free to download and use.
Tag: 5800
3 Free Chat Applications for Nokia 5800
Though there are a lot of mobile applications for chat, only few currently support Nokia 5800. Therefore I thought, why not make a list of applications which supports Nokia 5800 and also supports multi IM networks.
Here is a list of 3 such applications which has 5800 support and also caters to all the prominent IM Networks like GTalk, Skype, Yahoo, MSN etc.
Take Screenshots on Nokia 5800 using ScreenSnap
As a Mobile Application Blogger, One of the most important application I need is a ScreenShot Application. Therefore I was looking for such an application for Nokia 5800 when I stumbled upon ScreenSnap.
ScreenSnap is a free application that allows you to capture screenshots on your 5800 and save it as an image file on your phone. To take a screenshot, you just need to press the predefined combination and its done. The screenshot will be saved in the memory card under the “Screensnap” folder.
Continue reading “Take Screenshots on Nokia 5800 using ScreenSnap”
Nokia 5800 Star Trek Edition
Nokia 5800 is selling like hot cakes but this does not stop the phone maker from introducing the Nokia 5800 Star Trek edition. I used to watch this series on TV when I was a kid and was a huge fan of it .
The handset comes loaded with Star trek content and would be exclusively available at Phones 4U starting May 1st 2009.
Nokia 5800 v21 Firmware Change Log
We just posted the new v21 Firmware for Nokia 5800
My Buddy GerryMoth at NokiaAddict has posted a rather interesting change log he discovered while updating his Nokia 5800 to the v21 firmware
1. Quicker booting up – It seems to let you ‘take control’ a lot quicker than before.
2. As mentioned before you can make the menu button ‘breathe’ when the phone is in standby. It will flash twice if there is a missed call, message or email.
3. Music Player is showing BIG cover art – something that annoyed me in V20 was the fact the cover art was shrunk.
4. No longer switches predictive text off after you’ve used the Full Screen QWERTY keyboard and gone back to the regular keypad.
5. ‘Applications’ has been renamed ‘Apps’ – ‘Music Player’ is now ‘Music plyr.’ (These could be due to it using HK firmware?!) Continue reading “Nokia 5800 v21 Firmware Change Log”
Twittix – A Twitter Client for Symbian Phones
Hot on the heels of Gravity, the recently launched S60 Twitter Client, comes another native Twitter client called Twittix, from Mojos Mobile.
Once Installed, You will be prompted to enter your Twitter ID and your Password. It will then download your timeline.
You can do all the basic features of Twitter like updating your status, Replying to tweets, Direct Message, Retweet, Follow and Unfollow People, Favourite and Unfavourite tweets etc through this client. It also has an inbuilt search function through which you can search for anything you want, but there is no option for saving your searches. Continue reading “Twittix – A Twitter Client for Symbian Phones”
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic New Firmware v21 !
Over the past few weeks, we have been hearing rumours about the new V21 firmware version for the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic. Here is proof of the release:
Continue reading “Nokia 5800 XpressMusic New Firmware v21 !”
Rumor : Nokia to Use Capacitive Screen on 5800 XpressMusic

According to a newspaper, Nokia is planning to change the resistive screen on the successful Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and use a capacitive screen instead.
Here is the press release:
Nokia plans to replace the resistive touch panel currently used in its 5800 handset with a capacitive touch panel in order to compete effectively with rival models from Apple, Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics, according to sources at Taiwan handset component suppliers.
Nokia’s initial orders for capacitive touch panels will be enough for the production of two million 5800 handsets, with shipments of the new version to begin in May-June, indicated the sources, who are familiar with Nokia’s roadmap. Continue reading “Rumor : Nokia to Use Capacitive Screen on 5800 XpressMusic”
Nokia Sells 3 Million 5800 XpressMusic Phones!
According to an earlier report, many sites published that Nokia had sold 13 million 5800 XpressMusic devices till date. But that news was incorrect and it was actually the Nokia 5310 that had sold 13 million units worldwide.
Anyway here’s the correct news.
Nokia has sold more than 3 million 5800 XpressMusic phones worldwide and that is a good number since Nokia had only a target of 1 million devices. The 5800 is selling more than the iPhone in every place except the USA. That’s a market where even the entire range of Nokia devices have failed to capture much attention. Continue reading “Nokia Sells 3 Million 5800 XpressMusic Phones!”
Download ShoZu for Nokia 5800
ShoZu has released its mobile application for the Nokia touchscreen phones, Nokia 5800 and Nokia N97. For those who are still wondering what Shozu is, its an application that lets you share your photos or videos on mobile to most of the online networking sites, photo galleries, blogs, email, etc. with a simple mobile interface.
ShoZu supports more than sites, including the likes of Facebook, Flickr, twitter, YouTube, etc. It also has support for Ovi, so you do not need multiple clients for your Nokia phone. Continue reading “Download ShoZu for Nokia 5800”
Gravity Twitter App for S60 Review with Video
If you are frequent twitter user and want to update your status and use your twitter account on the move, then Gravity might grab your attention.
The app was released on March 30th and its available for download on the website which is the German company behind the app.
Most twitter users use or slandr or dabr to tweet from their mobile phone.
But a native application is always great for any purpose
This app is currently available for S60 3rd Edition and S60 5th Edition phones.
We tested on a Nokia 5800 and Nokia E71
video after the jump .
Continue reading “Gravity Twitter App for S60 Review with Video”
Clash of the Nokia 5800 Blue and Red xpress music phones
We had a chance to play with both the Blue and Red variants of the hugely popular Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
On the left is the blue and on the right is red ..
Both the displays are set to full brightness ..
Continue reading “Clash of the Nokia 5800 Blue and Red xpress music phones”
Nokia 5800 spotted in PussyCat Dolls Jai Ho Video
Nokia 5800 was first seen in Britney Spears Single Womanizer now i was just surfing youtube after slumdog millionaire won oscars .. I spotted a Nokia 5800 in the Video featuring the PussyCat Dolls in the Jai Ho Song (You are my destiny) pic here One of the singers plays music on the phone in one frame and in another frame , she uses the phones camera . chk out the full video here
Nokia 5800 was first seen in Britney Spears Single Womanizer
now i was just surfing youtube after slumdog millionaire won oscars ..
I spotted a Nokia 5800 in the Video featuring the PussyCat Dolls in the Jai Ho Song (You are my destiny)
One of the singers plays music on the phone in one frame and in another frame , she uses the phones camera .
Nokia 5800 Applications and games
There are loads of applications and games floating around for Nokia phones. While Nokia Store will provide an opportunity to download them all from single place, provided directly by the developer, till the time this happens lets dive in to some of the free applications present.
In this post i will concentrate on Nokia 5800 XpressMusic applications.One of my favorite ones is Checkers, a simple widget based application. Continue reading “Nokia 5800 Applications and games”
Use your Nokia phone as a flashlight with PhoneTorch for SymbianOS 9.4 5th Edition
Ever wondered to what level convergance can actually reach. First our phones doubled as a MP3 player, then they bundled as a mass storage device., then as a Camera . Few of our phones could also double as a Flash torch light. But that feature was long reducing in usage as they did not offer that functionality and the feature could tend to be over used which actually caused the camera flash light to diminish in quality and life time. Ofcourse like all technologies the right amount of usage always matters.
Well with that caution here is re introducing the flash light functionality into your S60 5th Edition Nokia Phones.[5800, n97]
Anyway, Harald Meyer has come to the rescue withPhoneTorch for S60 5th Edition, in full Symbian Signed form. Continue reading “Use your Nokia phone as a flashlight with PhoneTorch for SymbianOS 9.4 5th Edition”