OnePlus just announced the Ace 2V, the company’s latest smartphone in the Ace series in China, as it has promised. The phone packs a 6.74-inch 1.5K 120Hz AMOLED screen with up to 1450 nits brightness and has 1.46mm ultra-narrow size bezels. The phone is powered by Dimensity 9000 SoC with up to 16GB of LPDDR5X RAM. Continue reading “OnePlus Ace 2V with 6.74″ 1.5K 120Hz AMOLED display, Dimensity 9000, up to 16GB RAM announced”
Tag: Ace 2V
OnePlus Ace 2V with 6.74″ 1.5K 120Hz AMOLED display, Dimensity 9000 to be announced on March 7
After the Ace 2, OnePlus has confirmed the launch of Ace 2V, a cheaper model in China on March 7th. The company has confirmed 2.8D micro-arc glass back, which is visually sharp but tactile. It also retains the three-stage alter slider. Continue reading “OnePlus Ace 2V with 6.74″ 1.5K 120Hz AMOLED display, Dimensity 9000 to be announced on March 7”