Airtel has launched its 4G LTE services in Sonipat. Airtel said that it had received great response during trail period in Ambala, Panipat, Hisar, Rohtak, Karnal and Yamunanagar. Airtel 4G is available to customers across mobile phones, dongles, 4G hotspots and Wi-Fi dongles in the city. For existing Airtel customers, the company is offering a complimentary upgrade to Airtel 4G at same price as 3G. It launched 4G services in 296 towns across India last week, after running 4G LTE trails in the country. Continue reading “Airtel launches 4G LTE services in Sonipat”
Tag: Airtel 4G
Airtel launches 4G LTE services in Pondicherry
Airtel has launched its 4G LTE services in Pondicherry. It launched 4G services in 296 towns across India last week, after running 4G LTE trails in the country. Airtel said that it had received great response in Chennai, Vellore, Trichy, Madurai and Coimbatore. Airtel 4G is available to customers across mobile phones, dongles, 4G hotspots and Wi-Fi dongles in the city. For existing Airtel customers, the company is offering a complimentary upgrade to Airtel 4G at same price as 3G. Continue reading “Airtel launches 4G LTE services in Pondicherry”
Airtel launches pan-India 4G services in 296 towns
After running 4G trails in several cities for the past few months, Airtel today launched its 4G services in 296 towns across India. Airtel launched its 4G TDD-LTE services in Kolkata back in 2012 and recently expanded its roll out to several cities. Airtel also offers integrated 4G services in some circles like Delhi NCR that uses both 2300MHz TDD-LTE (band 40) and 1800MHz FDD-LTE (band 3). Airtel 4G is available on mobile phones, dongles, 4G hotspots and Wi-Fi dongles in most cities. Continue reading “Airtel launches pan-India 4G services in 296 towns”
Airtel launches 4G LTE trials in Rourkela, Tumkur, Manipal and Udupi
Airtel has launched its 4G LTE trails in Rourkela, after launching the trials in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack in Odisha. It has also launched 4G services in Tumkur, Manipal and Udupi in Karnataka. It already launched 4G trails in Hubli, Dharwad, Delhi, Hyderabad, Vizag, Madurai, Chennai, Coimbatore and Mumbai. For existing Airtel customers, the company is offering a complimentary upgrade to Airtel 4G at same price as 3G. Continue reading “Airtel launches 4G LTE trials in Rourkela, Tumkur, Manipal and Udupi”
Airtel launches 4G LTE trials in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack
Airtel has launched its 4G LTE trails in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack in Odisha. It already launched 4G trails in Hubli, Dharwad, Delhi, Hyderabad, Vizag, Madurai, Chennai, Coimbatore and Mumbai. For existing Airtel customers, the company is offering a complimentary upgrade to Airtel 4G at same price as 3G. Continue reading “Airtel launches 4G LTE trials in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack”
Airtel launches 4G LTE trials in Hubli and Dharwad
Airtel has launched its 4G LTE trails in Hubli and Dharwad in Karnataka. It already launched 4G trails in Delhi, Hyderabad, Vizag, Madurai, Chennai, Coimbatore and Mumbai. For existing Airtel customers, the company is offering a complimentary upgrade to Airtel 4G at same price as 3G. Continue reading “Airtel launches 4G LTE trials in Hubli and Dharwad”
Airtel launches 4G LTE services in Panipat, Haryana
Airtel has launched their 4G LTE services in Panipat in Haryana, followed by the launch in Hisar, Karnal, Yamunanagar, Ambala and Rohtak recently. In the city, users can access 4G on Mi-Fi, Wi-Fi dongles and Wi-Fi CPEs (Customer Premise Equipment/ routers). Airtel acquired 100% stake in Qualcomm AP’s India BWA licenses in Delhi, Mumbai, Haryana and Kerala circles last year. Continue reading “Airtel launches 4G LTE services in Panipat, Haryana”
Airtel launches 4G LTE services in Mysore
Airtel has launched their 4G services in Mysore, after launching 4G on mobile in Bengaluru last year and in Mangalore recently. For existing Airtel customers, the company is offering a complimentary upgrade to Airtel 4G at same price as 3G. Airtel also offers 4G on Dongles, MiFi (Hot Spot), Indoor CPE (Router) and Outdoor CPE (Router). Continue reading “Airtel launches 4G LTE services in Mysore”
Airtel launches 4G LTE services in Hisar, Haryana
Airtel has launched their 4G LTE services in Hisar, Haryana, followed by Karnal and Yamunanagar earlier this week and Ambala last week in Haryana. Airtel acquired 100% stake in Qualcomm AP’s India BWA licenses in Delhi, Mumbai, Haryana and Kerala circles last year. In the city, users can access 4G on Mi-Fi, Wi-Fi dongles and Wi-Fi CPEs (Customer Premise Equipment/ routers). Continue reading “Airtel launches 4G LTE services in Hisar, Haryana”
Airtel launches 4G LTE trials in Delhi NCR
Airtel has launched its 4G LTE trails in Delhi-NCR, as expected. The National Capital Region becomes are the first in the country to get integrated 4G services that uses both 2300MHz TDD-LTE (band 40) and 1800MHz FDD-LTE (band 3). This will deliver the fastest 4G experience and superior network coverage, says the company. For existing Airtel customers, the company is offering a complimentary upgrade to Airtel 4G at same price as 3G. Continue reading “Airtel launches 4G LTE trials in Delhi NCR”
Airtel launches 4G LTE services in Karnal and Yamunanagar in Haryana
Airtel has launched their 4G LTE services in Karnal and Yamunanagar in Haryana, followed by Ambala last week. Airtel acquired 100% stake in Qualcomm AP’s India BWA licenses in Delhi, Mumbai, Haryana and Kerala circles last year. In these cities, users can access 4G on dongles and Wi-Fi CPEs (Customer Premise Equipment/ routers). Continue reading “Airtel launches 4G LTE services in Karnal and Yamunanagar in Haryana”
Airtel launches 4G LTE trials in Mumbai
Airtel has launched its 4G LTE trials in Mumbai, few days after it started 4G trials in Chennai. This is based on 2300MHz TDD-LTE band 40. It also offers TDD-LTE services in Pune, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chandigarh and Amritsar. For existing Airtel customers, the company is offering a complimentary upgrade to Airtel 4G at same price as 3G. Continue reading “Airtel launches 4G LTE trials in Mumbai”
Airtel officially launches 4G FD-LTE trials in Chennai, lets customers upgrade to 4G at same price as 3G
After earlier reports, Airtel has officially launched its 4G LTE trails in Chennai. It is based on 1800MHz FDD-LTE band 3, which the company acquired last year. Chennai becomes the first city in the country to get the Airtel’s FDD-LTE service. It currently offers TDD-LTE services in Pune, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chandigarh and Amritsar. It is currently offering complimentary upgrade to Airtel 4G at same price as 3G. Continue reading “Airtel officially launches 4G FD-LTE trials in Chennai, lets customers upgrade to 4G at same price as 3G”
Airtel 4G trial starts in Chennai on May 14, Hyderabad and Mumbai to follow later this month
Airtel has reportedly started 4G services trial in Chennai from today, May 14, and is said to follow trial in Mumbai and Hyderabad later this month. Continue reading “Airtel 4G trial starts in Chennai on May 14, Hyderabad and Mumbai to follow later this month”
Airtel launches 4G services in Bathinda, Punjab
Airtel has launched 4G services in Bathinda in Punjab. This become the 12th town in the state to get Airtel 4G services. Airtel had already launched 4G series in Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Amritsar, Hoshiarpur, Phagwara, Kapurthala, Patiala and Moga in Punjab and Haryana circles. Continue reading “Airtel launches 4G services in Bathinda, Punjab”