This week Xiaomi launched its budget Redmi 5 smartphone in India. Huawei’s Honor brand introduced the Honor 7C in China, Huawei introduced the P20 Lite and Nova 2 lite, Micromax launched the Bharat 5 Pro, and lots more that happened this week in our weekly roundup. Continue reading “Weekly Roundup: Xiaomi Redmi 5, Honor 7C, Alcatel 1x Android Oreo (Go Edition), Fitbit Versa and more”
Tag: Alcatel 1x Android Oreo Go Edition
Alcatel 1x Android Oreo (Go Edition) smartphone with 18:9 display announced in India
Alcatel introduced range of smartphone as well as its first Android Oreo (Go edition) smartphone Alcatel 1X at the MWC last month. Today the company has announced the phone for the Indian market. The phone has a 5.34-inch 18:9 screen, is powered by a quad-core MediaTek SoC and the Android Oreo (Go edition) comes pre-installed with new Google’s Go apps offering better performance, less demand on storage, and efficient data use.