Alcatel has launched A5 LED and A7 smartphones in India. The A5 LED was introduced at the MWC earlier this and comes with LIGHTUP+ MOD that lights up with colors in different patterns. You can assign different LED cover patterns for incoming calls, messages, alarms, and social media alerts. The LED back cover is removable. The A7 that was introduced at the IFA in September comes with a 5.5-inch 1080p screen, has a 16-megapixel rear camera and packs a 4000mAh battery. Continue reading “Alcatel A5 LED and A7 launched in India starting at Rs. 12999”
Tag: Alcatel A5 LED
Alcatel A5 LED, A3, U5 smartphones, PLUS 12 2-in-1 tablet announced
Alcatel has unveiled three smartphones and a 2-in-1 tablet at the ongoing MWC 2017. The company has announced A5 LED, A3 and U5 smartphone while a PLUS 12 2-in-1 tablet. Continue reading “Alcatel A5 LED, A3, U5 smartphones, PLUS 12 2-in-1 tablet announced”