Alcatel, the French smartphone company, has finally launched the One Touch Idol X+ in India. Announced way back in December, we first saw the phone at CES. While the company took its own sweet time in bringing the device to India, it still remains relevant due to the presence of competitive specifications and above average build quality. The company has partnered with Flipkart to handle distribution much like Motorola. We got to spend some time with this octa core handset that enters an already crowded market, here’s our first impressions of the Alcatel One Touch Idol X+. Continue reading “Alcatel One Touch Idol X+ Hands On Impressions”
Tag: Alcatel One Touch Idol X+ India
Alcatel One Touch Idol X+ with 5-inch 1080p display launched in India for Rs. 16999
Alcatel One Touch has launched the One Touch Idol X+ in partnership with Flipkart as it promised earlier this week. It was announced last December and packs a 5-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) IPS display at 440 PPI, powered by a 2 GHz MediaTek MT6592 Octa-Core processor with Mali 450 GPU and runs Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean). It has a 13-megapixel rear camera with LED flash and a 2-megapixel front-facing camera. Continue reading “Alcatel One Touch Idol X+ with 5-inch 1080p display launched in India for Rs. 16999”