Alcatel One Touch launched the One Touch Idol and One Touch Idol Ultra Android smartphones last week in India for Rs. 15800 and Rs. 21000 respectively. Now the Alcatel One Touch Scribe Easy (8000D) is available in India from online retailer Snapdeal. It was announced at the MWC 2013 earlier this year and packs a 5-inch (480 x 800 pixels) TFT capacitive touch screen display, powered by a dual-core 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8225 processor and runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) OS. It has a 5-megapixel rear camera with LED Flash, 720p HD video recording and a 0.3-megapixel front-facing camera. It has HD sound and dedicated touch pen and magnetic MagicFlip. Continue reading “Alcatel One Touch Scribe Easy with 5-inch display, Android 4.1 now available in India Rs. 12090”
Tag: alcatel one touch scribe easy
Alcatel One Touch Scribe Easy Hands On
Alcatel launched a range of new devices at the Mobile World Congress and we went hands on with the Alcatel One Touch Scribe. Aimed at the phablet market but at a budget price segment, the Alcatel One Touch Scribe Easy is equipped with a 5inch WVGA display which isn’t particularly sharp to look at.
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