Amazfit has launched the BIP 3, the company’s latest smartwatch in India, after it was introduced last week. It has a 1.69-inch color display with 2.5D tempered glass that lets you view notifications, like incoming calls, messages, reminders, and health and fitness data. It comes with a blood-oxygen saturation measurement feature that can provide a result in as fast as 25 seconds, says the company. Continue reading “Amazfit BIP 3 with 1.69″ display, 60 sports modes, up to 14 days battery life launched in India at an introductory price of Rs. 2999”
Tag: Amazfit Bip 3
Amazfit Bip 3 Pro with 1.69″ display, GPS and Amazfit BIP 3 announced; Launching in India soon
Amazfit has announced BIP 3 series of smartwatches as the successor to BIP U series that were introduced back in 2020. These pack a 1.69-inch color display with 2.5D tempered glass that lets you view notifications, like incoming calls, messages, reminders, and health and fitness data. These come with a blood-oxygen saturation measurement feature that can provide a result in as fast as 25 seconds, says the company. Continue reading “Amazfit Bip 3 Pro with 1.69″ display, GPS and Amazfit BIP 3 announced; Launching in India soon”