Amazfit launched the Verge Lite smartwatch in India back in August last year priced at Rs. 6999. Today it has announced the relaunch of the smartwatch in the country at a cheaper rate of Rs. 4999. To remind you, it packs a 1.3-inch AMOLED Screen, has several Sports Modes, comes with a water resistant body with IP68 ratings, continuous heart rate monitoring, GPS + GLONASS to precisely track your sports activities and promises up to 20 days of battery life. Continue reading “Amazfit Verge Lite smartwatch with 1.3-inch AMOLED display, GPS relaunched in India for Rs. 4999”
Tag: Amazfit Verge Lite
Amazfit Verge Lite smartwatch with 1.3-inch AMOLED display, GPS, 20-day battery life launched in India for Rs. 6999
After the launch of Amazfit Verge smartwatch earlier this year, Huami today launched the Amazfit Verge Lite, a cheaper version in India. It has the same 1.3-inch AMOLED Screen, has several Sports Modes, including Outdoor Running, Treadmill, Walking, Outdoor Cycling, Indoor Cycling, Elliptical Trainer, Exercise and more, comes with a water resistant body with IP68 ratings, comes with continuous heart rate monitoring, but it doesn’t come with a microphone or a speaker, so you can’t take calls on the watch like the Verge. Continue reading “Amazfit Verge Lite smartwatch with 1.3-inch AMOLED display, GPS, 20-day battery life launched in India for Rs. 6999”