After introduction of the Ryzen 7000 desktop processors back in August, at its CES 2023 event, AMD introduced the new Ryzen 7000 Series processors. The new Ryzen 9 7900, Ryzen 7 7700, and Ryzen 5 7600 are based on the same “Zen 4” architecture, have up to 12 cores and 24 threads and are constructed on an optimized, high-performance TSMC 5nm process node. Continue reading “AMD Ryzen 9 7900, Ryzen 7 7700, and Ryzen 5 7600 announced”
Tag: AMD Ryzen 5 7600
AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D, 7900X3D, and Ryzen 7 7800X3D announced
After introduction of the Ryzen 7000 desktop processors back in August, at its CES 2023 event AMD introduced the new Ryzen 7000X3D Series processors with AMD 3D V-Cache technology, which it claims to be the fastest gaming processors in the world. Continue reading “AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D, 7900X3D, and Ryzen 7 7800X3D announced”