Last month, InFocus added a power packed smartphone to its portfolio in India dubbed the InFocus M810 at Rs. 14,999. Based on specifications, the smartphone looks impressive, but is it worth? We find out in our detailed review. Continue reading “InFocus M810 Review”
Tag: Android 5.0.2 Lollipop
Vivo X5Pro Hands On Impressions
Chinese smartphone maker Vivo on Wednesday launched its flagship smartphone in India – the Vivo X5Pro. It was first launched in China in May, but that model featured an eye scanner technology. In India, the X5Pro boasts of same specifications as the Chinese variant, except that eye scanner. So what else is so great about the device? Here’s a quick look. Continue reading “Vivo X5Pro Hands On Impressions”
Sony Xperia Z3+ Hands On and Photo Gallery
Sony finally launched the Xperia Z3 successor in India dubbed the Sony Xperia Z3+, as it was expected to be called in the country. Continue reading “Sony Xperia Z3+ Hands On and Photo Gallery”