After months of appearing in rumours, Apple has officially launched their device tracker called the AirTags. They feature their custom designed U1 chip, which uses Ultra Wideband technology (UWB), along with built-in Bluetooth technology that connect with Apple’s Find My network to help keep track of devices.
Tag: Apple Airtags
Apple AirTags hinted in Apple Support YouTube video
Earlier this year, popular Apple Analyst Ming Chi Kuo mentioned a possible new product that Apple is planning to release this year, which utilizes Ultra Wide technology (UWB) technology. With the name Airtags, the product is seemingly confirmed as it appeared on a video that was uploaded on Apple’s support page.
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Apple iPhone 12 said to support 802.11ay Wi-Fi standard for high bandwidth data transfer
The iPhone rumours continue to pile up as fresh news of the possible Wi-Fi capabilities for the upcoming iPhone 12 have popped up. Apple is rumoured to use the new 802.11ay Wi-Fi standard which utilises the 60GHz spectrum that is ideal for high bandwidth data transfer.
Apple said to launch UWB Airtags, new MacBooks, Powerbeats 4 and more in 2020
Popular Apple Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has released a report that has some interesting plans for Apple in the first half of 2020. The report claims Apple will release several new products including Ultra Wideband tags, high-end wireless headphones, a 4.7-inch iPhone SE successor, refreshed iPad Pro models, and refreshed MacBook Pro and/or MacBook Air models.
Continue reading “Apple said to launch UWB Airtags, new MacBooks, Powerbeats 4 and more in 2020”