Apple CarPlay in iOS 12 now supports Google Maps

Google Maps CarPlay

Apple today announced that Google Maps is now supported on Apple CarPlay, meaning that iPhone users can now replace Apple Maps with Google Maps for navigation. Google Maps on CarPlay features the same navigation experience found in the app. Search for places, see alternative routes, up to date information about traffic jams and delays happening and more. Continue reading “Apple CarPlay in iOS 12 now supports Google Maps”

Apple CarPlay announced, integrates iPhone with your car for calls, maps and music

Apple CarPlay

Apple has announced CarPlay, the company’s new in-car entertainment feature. When integrated with iPhone, it lets users to take phone calls, use maps, listen to music and access messages using voice or touch controls. The CarPlay would be demoed by Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo at the Geneva Motor Show later this week. Apple demoed the iOS in the Car feature on iOS last June. Continue reading “Apple CarPlay announced, integrates iPhone with your car for calls, maps and music”