At its event, Apple just announced the iPhone 13, the company’s latest iPhone, and the successor of iPhone 12 and a smaller iPhone 13 mini, both with support for 5G, new A15 bionic processor and upgraded cameras. The iPhone 13 mini and the 13 come with 5.4-inch and 6.1-inch OLED Super Retina XDR displays, respectively, and have support for HDR and Dolby Vision, same as the predecessor, but these Super Retina XDR OLED displays are 28% brighter outdoors at 800 nits, with higher peak brightness for HDR at 1200 nits. These retain the Ceramic Shield protection that was introduced in the iPhone 12. Continue reading “Apple iPhone 13 mini and iPhone 13 with 5.4-inch / 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display, A15 Bionic announced; India price starts at Rs. 69900”