Google is said to be working on a standalone AR headset, and the project is for now codenamed Google A65. Now we are having more details about the project; according to the reports from who claims to have documents that indicate Google’s working with Taiwanese manufacturer Quanta on the AR headset. Continue reading “Google said to be working on a standalone AR headset with camera sensors, customized Qualcomm QSC603 chip”
Tag: AR Headset
Apple said to ramp up technology for AR headset by 2019, ship it in 2020
Apple is aiming to ramp up the technology for AR headset which it sees a breakthrough product for iPhones success by 2019 and could ship a product by 2020, according to a new Bloomberg report. Unlike current VR headsets, Apple AR headset technology is said to have its own display, processor and operating system.
Continue reading “Apple said to ramp up technology for AR headset by 2019, ship it in 2020”