Yesterday, we showed you a new MeeGo device from Nokia. Well now it seems that the MeeGo device is based on the U8500 Platform from ST Ericsson.
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Yesterday, we showed you a new MeeGo device from Nokia. Well now it seems that the MeeGo device is based on the U8500 Platform from ST Ericsson.
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Samsung Galaxy S series is running on a blazing fast 1GHz Hummingbird A8 processor, which is currently one of the fastest processor available, but Samsung has a way big plans. Samsung has announced the next generation of mobile processors for tablets PCs, netbooks and smartphones, the ARM Cortex A9 Orion processor, a dual-core 1 Ghz processor which is capable to record a video on 1080p, and video playback at 30 frames per second. Continue reading “Samsung announces next generation dual-core mobile processor!”
We human beings would take for ever to solve the Rubik’s cube but this LEGO Robot powered by the Motorola DROID manages to solve the puzzle in just 25 seconds ! Watch the video below
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Don’t blink, you read the title right. Apple has been the talk of the town right from the launch of the iPad to the leak of the new Apple iPhone HD/iPhone 4.