ASUS just launched the 6Z, the company’s latest flagship smartphone in India, as it had promised. It has a 6.46-inch Full HD+ no-notch LCD screen with narrow bezels and 92% screen-to-body ratio and Corning Gorilla Glass 6 protection, is powered by Snapdragon 855 with up to 8GB of RAM, runs stock Android 9.0 (Pie) with ZenUI 6 with updates for Android Q and R in the future, and features a motorized flip camera with 48-megapixel Sony IMX586 with Quad Bayer technology for 12MP effective images, along with a 13-megapixel 125-degree ultra-wide lens so that you can use it as both front and rear cameras, and the flip mechanism can be used in 90-degree position. You can also shoot 180-degree Panorama shots.
Tag: ASUS 6Z
ASUS 6Z (Zenfone 6) with 6.4-inch FHD+ NanoEdge Display, Snapdragon 855, 48MP + 13MP Flip Camera launching in India on June 19
ASUS already confirmed that it will launch its flagship Zenfone 6 after it was announced at an event in Spain last month. Now Flipkart has confirmed that the phone will launch in India on June 19th, but as 6Z, after a recent high court order not to use ‘Zen’ or ‘ZenFone’ due to trademark issue. ASUS India website still shows ‘Zenfone 6’ but this should change soon.