This week started with Google’s big event in New Delhi. Company’s CEO Sundar Pichai along with its various top officials addressed India about their plans for the country in 2016 and more. Continue reading “Weekly Roundup: Google’s Big Plan for India, YU YUTOPIA, Redmi Note Prime, Lumia 550 and more”
Tag: Asus Chromebit
Asus Chromebit launching in India in January 2016 for Rs. 7999
At the Google for India event today in Delhi, Caesar Sengupta, Product Management Director, Google said that Asus will launch its Chromebit compact stick running Chrome OS in India in January 2016. The Chromebit plugs directly into the HDMI port on a TV or monitor to turn it into a desktop PC offering 1080p output. It is compact and has a fan-less design. It was announced back in April and went on sale in the U.S. last month for $85. Continue reading “Asus Chromebit launching in India in January 2016 for Rs. 7999”