Asus has launched the PadFone mini (PF400CG) in India. It has a 4-inch (800 x 480 pixels) smartphone that docks into a 7-inch (1280 x 800 pixels) Padfone station. It is powered by 1.6 GHz dual-core Intel Atom (Z2560) processor and runs on Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean). It has a 8-megapixel rear camera without flash and a 2-megapixel front-facing camera. It comes with dual SIM support as well. Continue reading “Asus PadFone mini launched in India for Rs. 15999”
Tag: Asus Padfone mini
Asus PadFone Mini Hands on
Among the numerous Android smartphones and tablets that Asus showcased at CES 2014 was its trademark PadFone device. However, unlike the previous iterations of PadFone series, this year, Asus has decided to tone down a little in terms of specifications. The yesteryear PadFone devices had top of the draw specifications, but this year’s Asus PadFone Mini is a more subtle yet affordable PadFone offering. We go hands on with the all new PadFone Mini that was announced during December 2013. You can check out the video right below
Asus Padfone mini press images leak out ahead of launch
Yesterday, Asus announced that the Padfone mini would be unveiled on December 11th at an event Taipei, Taiwan. Thanks to evleaks, we now know how the Padfone mini would look like. We already know the phone would have a 4.3-inch screen. According to earlier rumors the Padfone mini is expected to come with a 4.3-inch (960 x 540 pixels) display, powered by a Snapdragon 400 processor and run on Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean). Continue reading “Asus Padfone mini press images leak out ahead of launch”
Asus Padfone mini with 4.3-inch display launching in Taiwan on December 11th
After Asus Padfone Infinity that was launched at MWC 2013 earlier this year, Asus is back with the Padfone mini, a small version of the Padfone with a smaller docking station. Asus has sent out press invites to media outlets for the Padfone mini launch on December 11th in Taipei, Taiwan. The small docking station to dock the Padfone mini is expected to pack a 7-inch screen and is likely to come with a built-in battery, similar to the original Padfone station. The phone would have a 4.3-inch display. Continue reading “Asus Padfone mini with 4.3-inch display launching in Taiwan on December 11th”