ASUS just launched the ROG Phone 5s and 5s Pro, successors to the ROG Phone 5 series in India, as it had promised. These were introduced in August last year and retain the 6.78-inch Full HD+ Samsung’s E4 AMOLED HDR display with 144Hz refresh rate, but these are powered by Snapdragon 888 Plus SoC. Continue reading “ASUS ROG Phone 5s and 5s Pro with 6.78″ FHD+ 144Hz AMOLED display, Snapdragon 888+ launched in India starting at Rs. 49999”
Tag: ASUS ROG Phone 5s Pro
ASUS ROG Phone 5s and 5s Pro with 6.78″ FHD+ 144Hz AMOLED display, Snapdragon 888+ to launch in India on February 15
ASUS today confirmed the launch of ROG Phone 5s and 5s Pro, successors to the ROG Phone 5 series in India on February 15th in an online event, after they were introduced in August last year. The 5s model retains the 6.78-inch Full HD+ Samsung’s E4 AMOLED HDR display with 144Hz refresh rate, 300Hz touch-sampling rate, 24.3ms touch latency and has up to 18GB of RAM and up to 512GB storage, but this is powered by Snapdragon 888 Plus SoC. Continue reading “ASUS ROG Phone 5s and 5s Pro with 6.78″ FHD+ 144Hz AMOLED display, Snapdragon 888+ to launch in India on February 15”