Asus today launched its latest Transformer Book T100HA 2-in-1 in India. It was introduced at the Computex 2015, come with Windows 10 out of the box, has USB 3.1 type C port, 10.1-inch (1280 x 800 pixels) HD display, is powered by Intel Atom X5 Cherry Trail processor, is just 8.45mm thick and weighs 580 grams. As usual you get a keyboard dock with a trackpad. Continue reading “Asus Transformer Book T100HA 2-in-1 with Windows 10, USB Type-C launched for Rs. 23990”
Tag: Asus Transformer Book T100HA
Asus Transformer Book T100HA 2-in-1 and Flip TP200SA with Windows 10, USB Type-C launched
Asus has finally launched the new Transformer Book T100HA 2-in-1 and the Transformer Book Flip TP200SA in the U.S today. The company had first unveiled the two hybrid – T100HA and TP200SA – devices during Computex 2015 in June, but it didn’t provide the pricing then. Continue reading “Asus Transformer Book T100HA 2-in-1 and Flip TP200SA with Windows 10, USB Type-C launched”
Asus Transformer Book T100HA 2-in-1 with Windows 10, USB Type-C announced
Asus has introduced new Transformer Book T100HA at the Computex 2015. It will come with Windows 10 out of the box and even has USB 3.1 type C port. It has a 10.1-inch (1280 x 800 pixels) HD display, is powered by Intel Atom X5 Cherry Trail processor and has 4GB of RAM. It is just 8.45mm thick and weighs 580 grams. As usual you get a keyboard dock with a trackpad. Continue reading “Asus Transformer Book T100HA 2-in-1 with Windows 10, USB Type-C announced”