Asus has launched Transformer Book Trio that can run dual operating systems – Windows 8 Pro and Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean). It has a 11.6-inch (1920×1080 pixels) 16:9 detachable display and lets you switch between a Windows 8 notebook, Android tablet and Windows 8 desktop PC. The PC Station dock is powered by a 4th generation Intel Core i7 processor, has a keyboard and packs 500GB hard drive. The PC Station also offers extended battery. In the tablet mode, it is powered by an Intel Atom Z2560 processor that runs on Android Jelly Bean and can be also connected to an external display. The tablet features a 1.6 GHz Intel Atom Z2560 processor and packs 16GB of storage. Continue reading “Asus Transformer Book Trio running Windows 8 Pro and Android launched in India for Rs. 98099”