ASUS launched the Zenfone Max Pro M1 smartphone in India back in April, and the phone went on sale from May 3rd in 3GB RAM with 32GB storage version and the 4GB RAM with 64GB storage versions starting at Rs. 10,999. The 6GB RAM with 64GB storage version with 16MP primary rear and 16MP front camera went on sale in India last week for Rs. 14,999 in June. How good is the 6GB RAM version in terms of performance and the camera quality compared to the 3GB and 4GB RAM models? Let us find out in the review.
Tag: ASUS Zenfone Max Pro M1 6GB
ASUS Zenfone Max Pro M1 6GB RAM, 16MP front and rear camera version will finally go on sale from July 26 for Rs. 14999
Update: Asus today confirmed that the 6GB RAM version of the Zenfone Max Pro M1 will go on sale in India from 26th July, which is next Thursday, exclusively on Flipkart.