ASUS has launched the ZenFone Zoom smartphone at an event in Agra, as it had promised. It packs a 13-megapixel camera with 3X optical zoom, Laser auto focus, optical image stabilization (OIS) and dual-LED Real Tone flash. It has a 5.5-inch 1080p display with Corning Gorilla Glass 4 protection, is powered by a Quad Core Intel Z3590 processor, 4GB LPDDR3 RAM, runs on Android 5.0 (Lollipop) with Zen UI and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. Continue reading “ASUS ZenFone Zoom with 3X optical zoom, 4GB RAM launched in India for Rs. 37999”
Tag: ASUS ZenFone Zoom India
ASUS ZenFone Zoom launching in India on January 22
Yesterday ASUS said that the camera-centric ZenFone Zoom smartphone will launch in the US next month and also said that it will be launched in India later this month, before the US launch. Today the company has sent out invites for the launch even that is scheduled on January 22nd and 23rd in Agra. It packs a 13-megapixel camera with 3X optical zoom, Laser auto focus, optical image stabilization (OIS) and dual-LED Real Tone flash. Continue reading “ASUS ZenFone Zoom launching in India on January 22”
ASUS ZenFone Zoom with 3X optical zoom, 4GB RAM launching in India this January
Few hours back ASUS said that the camera-centric ZenFone Zoom smartphone will launch in the US next month. Now the company has announced that the smartphone will be launched in India later this month, before the US launch. It packs a 13-megapixel camera with 3X optical zoom, Laser auto focus, optical image stabilization (OIS) and dual-LED Real Tone flash. Continue reading “ASUS ZenFone Zoom with 3X optical zoom, 4GB RAM launching in India this January”