ZTE at the MWC introduced its flagship Axon 10 Pro 5G smartphone. It is the company’s first 5G phone which is powered Snapdragon 855 with Snapdragon X50 5G modem. It has a 6.47-inch Full HD+ AMOLED display with waterdrop notch, has 6GB of RAM, runs Android Pie, features a 48-megapixel rear camera, along with a 20-megapixel 125° ultra-wide-angle lens and an 8-megapixel telephoto lens. There is also a 20-megapixel camera on the front. Continue reading “ZTE Axon 10 Pro 5G with 6.47-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, Snapdragon 855, triple rear cameras, in-display fingerprint sensor announced”