The service is free and works with more than 200 different phone models. It�s very simple to get started, just sign up on, select your mobile phone model and in a matter of seconds you will receive a message (SMS) that automatically configures your mobile to your
ZYB profile.
�If you are afraid of losing all the contacts stored on your mobile, try � a free and easy to use service that allows you to store and manage your mobiles data online for free.�
Once configured, the mobile is now ready to be synchronised with ZYB. No installation of software required. After the first synchronisation the mobiles contacts and calendar can be edited from the user�s personal profile on and all changes can be copied directly to the mobile.
ZYB allows users to store an unlimited number of contacts and calendar entries and access them online from anywhere in the world. As such ZYB also works as a backup, so if a user is unlucky and loses his mobile, all he has to do to get his data back is to sync a new mobile with his ZYB account.
ZYB enables users to:
– Backup their mobile�s contacts and calendar
– Manage their mobile�s contacts and calendar online
– Share contacts and calendar with friends and family
– Import public calendars to mobile.
– Clean up contact list with the unique �merge contacts� feature
– Synchronize their mobile�s data with other devices and services (iPod, Outlook and others)
Note: Some old phones like Nokia 3310 etc. might not allow you to use this service as they don�t have the Sync feature.
ZYB – Free Mobile Backup
Also check out the previously mentioned Yahoo SMS backup.