Smartphones screens of the future will require barely any power

LG 5.5-inch QHD display G4

The touchscreen on a smartphone is probably the biggest consumer of battery life compared to other components and devices. This is why despite manufacturers trying their best to increase capacities, the battery life still remains poor especially since the display size and resolution too keep increasing.

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Asus showcases VivoWatch with 10 day battery life for $149 Euros

Asus has showcased a new smartwatch that is dubbed as VivoWatch and it comes with a 10 day battery life. The upcoming Asus VivoWatch was unveiled in Milan Design Week for 149 Euros.

ASUS-VivoWatch Continue reading “Asus showcases VivoWatch with 10 day battery life for $149 Euros”

Broadcom launches smartwatch platform, improves Android Wear battery life

Broadcom has introduced a new platform for Android Wear smartwatch that reduces power consumption on these device. The company has announced that its latest products can be used in wearables to boost battery life and improve other features.

Sony SmartWatch 3 Classic Black_fonearena-01 Continue reading “Broadcom launches smartwatch platform, improves Android Wear battery life”

LG G2 Review


It really is a testament to Moore’s law and the hyper-accelerated development of the mobile space that two year can lead to such immense differences between flagship devices in just 2 years. The Galaxy Nexus, announced in late 2011 was one of the first devices to feature a 720p display at a positively gigantic, (for the time) 4.65 inch display. It ticked every box in the spec sheet at the time, 1GB of RAM, the newest dual-core CPU clocked at 1.2GHz and a competitive GPU for the time courtesy of the OMAP 4460 platform.

Video Review


Now, just two years later, LG G2 is in almost every conceivable way twice the device the Galaxy Nexus was in a footprint barely 3mm larger in either width or length. Over twice the pixels in the form of a 5.2 inch 1080p display, twice the CPU cores at almost twice the clock speed courtesy of the Snapdragon 800 processor resting in the belly of this svelte beast. The camera is similarly improved, over twice the megapixels (13 Megapixels), more than twice the video recording capabilities (1080p 60) and almost twice the battery capacity (3000 mAh) to power all of these internals. It really is impressive and astounding how far the mobile market has moved in such a short time.


All in all, on the specifications side of things, the G2 is pretty representative of the top of line in 2013. So how does it stand out in what is already a crowded marketplace. In most cases, OEM’s attempt to differentiate in two major ways, industrial design and software additions,. So let’s took a look at the hardware shall we? Continue reading “LG G2 Review”

Researchers bring OLED displays with solar cells for smartphones

Battery life has always been a problem when it comes to smartphones, we have been talking about solar powered smartphones from quite some time now, but have never come up with a good solution, but a research team has come up with a new concept of OLED displays which have solar cells embedded in them, and this really looks like the perfect solution, at least for now.

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