Nokia BH-905i Review – Spoiler: It’s Phenomenal

I’m sitting now, at the Costa coffee shop, with about 30 customers around, 3 tables nearby with heated discussions going on, and I can’t hear a thing from them. It’s like watching a Charlie Chaplin movie, I swear, people move, coffee machines go on and off, lips open and close, chairs are pulled away and back, and I don’t hear any of it. I’m not deaf, I just have the Nokia BH-905i headphones on, and I’m loving every second of it. They’re a review unit and I swear, this is the first time I feel that I don’t want to send a review unit back.

The BH-905i were announced during Nokia World 2010, back in September 2010, as a follow-up to the majestic Noise Cancelling Stereo Bluetooth headset that was the Nokia BH-905, and in this review, I will try to see how they measure up in comparison to their predecessors, as well as on their own. Continue reading “Nokia BH-905i Review – Spoiler: It’s Phenomenal”

Nokia BH-905 Bluetooth Headset Live Pics

The Nokia BH-905 is a groundbreaking Stereo bluetooth headset and it comes fully loaded for its premium price tag . The headset is compatible with an wide variety of devices and can even be used on the Airplane if you want to ditch the lackluster ones provided by the Airlines who are always on the Cost-cutting mode.  We have already elaborated a lot about this flagship bluetooth accessory from Nokia. Now enjoy the pics after the jump. We have a video coming up soon.
Continue reading “Nokia BH-905 Bluetooth Headset Live Pics”