Samsung has announced the Bixby 3.0 update which adds support for Indian English that is aimed at controlling of daily scenarios through the new and improved Indian English avatar. With this Bixby can now understand Indian names, places, relationships, content, and recipes amongst others. Continue reading “Bixby 3.0 brings support for Indian English, now recognizes Indian names and other content”
Tag: Bixby 3.0
Samsung said to ship Bixby 3.0 with foldable smartphone in 2019
According to Samsung’s key executive, Samsung’s much-awaited foldable smartphone will ship with Bixby 3.0. It is known that Samsung’s Bixby Developer Day is underway in South Korea which has Samsung’s Vice President Eui-Suk Chung scheduled to speak as well. Continue reading “Samsung said to ship Bixby 3.0 with foldable smartphone in 2019”