Black Shark has launched Black Shark 2, the company’s latest gaming smartphone in India, after it was introduced in China in March. It has 6.39-inch FHD+ AMOLED display with HDR support and touch algorithm optimization especially for gaming, is powered by Snapdragon 855 SoC with up to 12GB RAM, Ludicrous Mode for the best gaming experience, liquid cooling 3.0 that Tower-wide global liquid cooling system that uses liquid-cooled plate + liquid-cooled tube that can effectively cover all the heat-generating components to reduce the CPU’s core temperature by up to 14° C.
Tag: Black Shark 2
Black Shark 2 Gaming Smartphone launching in India soon – Here are the top features
Xiaomi’s Black Shark announced the Black Shark 2 Gaming Phone yesterday. As expected the company has announced that it will be launching in India soon. It also detailed some additional features and accessories for the phone.
Xiaomi Black Shark 2 Gaming smartphone with 5.99-inch display, dual rear cameras, new design gets certified
Xiaomi-backed Black Shark introduced the Black Shark Gaming Phone in China back in April this year, now a new Black Shark smartphone with the model number AWM-A0 has been certified by TENAA in China. This reveals a slightly different design compared to the predecessor since the phone has a dual rear cameras arranged vertically and the fingerprint sensor that was present on the front has been moved to the back. Continue reading “Xiaomi Black Shark 2 Gaming smartphone with 5.99-inch display, dual rear cameras, new design gets certified”