Optiemus just launched the BlackBerry Evolve and EvolveX smartphones in India, as expected. Both the phones have a 5.99-inch Full HD+ 18:9 aspect ratio display with 2.5D Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection, run Android 8.1 (Oreo) with secured DTEK app and feature a 16-megapixel front camera. The Evolve is powered by Snapdragon 450 with 4GB of RAM and dual 13-megapixel rear cameras, while the EvolveX is powered by Snapdragon 660 with 6GB of RAM, and has a 12-megapixel rear camera along with a secondary 13-megapixel camera with real-time depth of field effect for portrait shots. Continue reading “BlackBerry Evolve with 5.99-inch FHD+ display, dual rear cameras, EvolveX with Snapdragon 660 launched in India for Rs. 24990 and Rs. 34990”
Tag: BlackBerry Evolve X
BlackBerry Evolve and Evolve X expected to launch on August 2 as the company schedules an event in India
BlackBerry smartphone code-named ‘Ghost’ with a bezel-less display surfaced earlier this year. Later it was rumored that the phone will be launched by Optiemus in India in Q3 2018 in two models – Evolve and Evolve X. Now the company has sent out invites for a event in India on August 2nd where the smartphones are expected to launch.