BlackBerry has sent out invite for the launch of the Priv Android smartphone in India on January 28th. It was introduced back in October last year, packs a 5.4-inch Quad HD AMOLED display, is powered by an Hexa-core Snapdragon 808 processor, runs on Android 5.1.1 (Lollipop) with BlackBerry’s own features and apps, 18-megapixel rear camera with dual tone LED flash, OIS, phase-detection auto-focus (PDAF) and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. Continue reading “BlackBerry Priv launching in India on January 28”
Tag: BlackBerry Priv India
BlackBerry reports $89M loss in Q3 FY2016, PRIV to be available in 31 countries by Feb 2016
BlackBerry today reported a net loss (GAAP) of $89 million or $0.17 per basic share for the third fiscal quarter 2016 that ended November 28, 2015 on revenues (GAAP) of $548 million. Cash and investments balance was $2.71 billion at the end of the fiscal quarter, including the impact of the recent acquisitions of AtHoc and Good Technology at a cost of $636 million, said the company.