BlackBerry India has launched a new exchange offer for BlackBerry Z30 in India. Under this offer, customers can get the smartphone for Rs. 29,990 after a minimum cashback of Rs. 5,000 in exchange of an old working smartphone. The company reduced the price of BlackBerry Z30 to Rs. 34,990 back in March celebrating its 10th anniversary of its foray into the Indian market from the launch price of Rs. 39,990. Continue reading “BlackBerry Z30 available for Rs. 29990 in India under exchange offer”
Tag: BlackBerry Z30
BlackBerry Z30 launched in India for Rs. 39990
BlackBerry has launched the Z30, the company’s latest flagship smartphone in India. It has a 5-inch (1280 x 720 pixels) Supe rAMOLED display at 295 ppi, powered by a 1.7 GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro (MSM8960T) processor and runs on the latest version of the BlackBerry 10.2. It has a 8 megapixel auto-focus camera with BSI sensor, F2.2 lens, LED flash and 1080p full HD video recording and a 2 megapixel fixed-focus HD front-facing camera. It packs a 2880mAh which battery non-removable battery that promises 25 hours of usage. Continue reading “BlackBerry Z30 launched in India for Rs. 39990”
BlackBerry Z30 with 5 inch Super AMOLED display, 1.7GHz Snapdragon S4 Pro CPU announced
BlackBerry has finally unveiled their first large screen BlackBerry 10 smartphone the BlackBerry Z30. The main highlight of the Z30 is the 5 inch SuperAMOLED display and it is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro dual core CPU. It also runs on the latest version of the BlackBerry 10.2 and it features the largest battery ever in a Blackberry device rated at 2880mAh which could deliver over 25 hours of usage.
BlackBerry Z30 surfaces again in a new walk through video
The BlackBerry Z30 had already surfaced in images and videos in recent times under BackBerry A10. Now a Vietnamese website has got hold of the prototype of the device for AT&T. In the detailed walk though the hardware and the software features of the device are shown off. This one has a placeholder as the BlackBerry X00 rather than the previously seen Z00 on the back of the device, behind the battery cover. Apart from these nothing new in this leak. The next flagship smartphone was expected to be named as BlackBerry A10, but latest leak revealed that it is likely to be named as BlackBerry Z30. Continue reading “BlackBerry Z30 surfaces again in a new walk through video”