Silent Circle, popular for its secured Blackphone announced the Blackphone 2 at the MWC earlier this year. Now it has launched the smartphone, as it promised. The Blackphone 2 has a more powerful hardware, improved design and the company has put more focus on security. It packs a 5.5-inch 1080p display, is powered by an Octa-Core Snapdragon 615 SoC and runs on Silent OS based on Android Lollipop. It has 4G LTE connectivity with support for FDD LTE B2,B4,B7,B17 for North America and FDD LTE B1,B3,B5,B7,B8,B20 TDD:B40 bands for UK and other countries. It also has Pentaband 3G and Quadband 2G connectivity. Continue reading “Silent Circle launches Blackphone 2 for $799”