boAt has expanded its Enigma smartwatch collection with the launch of the Enigma Daze and Enigma Gem smartwatches. Designed with modern women in mind, these wearables combine style, advanced features, and durability to enhance daily life, the company said. Continue reading “boAt Enigma Daze and Enigma Gem Bluetooth calling smartwatches launched”
Tag: boAt Enigma Smartwatches
boAt Enigma X600, Enigma X500, Enigma Z30 and Enigma R32 Bluetooth calling smartwatches launched
boAt has expanded its smartwatch line-up with the launch of ‘Enigma’ – a brand new collection of luxury smartwatches. The boAt Enigma collection will be starting with four new products: Enigma X500, Enigma X600, Enigma Z30, and Enigma R32. Continue reading “boAt Enigma X600, Enigma X500, Enigma Z30 and Enigma R32 Bluetooth calling smartwatches launched”