After the launch of boAt Storm smartwatch back in October, the company has launched boAt Watch Enigma, as it had announced a few days back. It features a 1.54-inch color touch screen display, heart rate and SpO2 monitoring, 8 different sports modes, 3 ATM water resistance and more. Continue reading “boAt Watch Enigma with 1.54-inch color touch display, SpO2 monitoring launched for Rs. 2999”
Tag: boAt Watch Enigma
boAt Watch Enigma with 1.54-inch color touch display, SpO2 monitoring launching on December 9 for Rs. 2999
After the launch of boAt Storm smartwatch back in October, the company is now gearing up to launch its next smartwatch boAt Watch Enigma on December 9th. The company says that the watch will be slim yet powerful. Similar to the Storm, the Engima will also come with heart rate sensor and will also come with Blood Oxygen / SpO2 monitoring. Continue reading “boAt Watch Enigma with 1.54-inch color touch display, SpO2 monitoring launching on December 9 for Rs. 2999”