Rugged CAT phone maker ‘Bullitt Group’ shuts down

Bullitt Group, the UK-based smartphone maker known for rugged devices, appears to have closed down on January 26. This follows earlier reports of the company’s financial troubles, as noted by The Daily Telegraph. Continue reading “Rugged CAT phone maker ‘Bullitt Group’ shuts down”

BlackBerry partners with Bullitt Group to protect Cat and Land Rover rugged smartphones with BlackBerry Secure

BlackBerry today announced it has entered into a partnership with Bullitt Group, a British smartphone and consumer electronics maker, to develop new highly-secure connected devices that are certified as “BlackBerry Secure.” Bullitt will use BlackBerry cybersecurity technology in its rugged Cat (Caterpillar Inc.) and Land Rover branded products offering better security for the enterprise customers buying the rugged phones. Continue reading “BlackBerry partners with Bullitt Group to protect Cat and Land Rover rugged smartphones with BlackBerry Secure”