Uninor offers exclusive Mother’s Day caller tunes for Karnataka customers

Uninor has launched special caller tunes for Mother’s day for Karnataka customers. The new song bank which consists of exclusive Mother’s day songs and is priced at Rs 40/month which allows them unlimited song change through the month. Continue reading “Uninor offers exclusive Mother’s Day caller tunes for Karnataka customers”

Vodafone launches Callertune Share so that you can set you Callertune right from Facebook !

Vodafone has just launched the Callertune Share application for Facebook that enables Vodafone users to set their Callertune and share it with friends.In order to get it working , you have to register your Vodafone mobile number with the application and accept the terms and conditions for the whole thing. Just a friendly reminder that you will be charged for CallerTunes subscription if you use this service. But it surely sounds impressive . Who’s going to give it a try ?

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Tata Docomo Launches My Song , First Reverse Ring-Back Tone Service in India

All of us have heard of Caller Tunes or RingBack tones which is a Value Added Service offered by Mobile Operators to play a song of your choice when someone calls you. Now Tata Docomo has done something revolutionary yet again by launching My Song which is the first Reverse Ring-Back Tone Service in India.  This service is the exact opposite of Caller Tunes which means that you can choose to listen to any song when you call someone instead of the normal boring Tring-Tring sound or the caller tunes set by the other user.

Tata Docomo My Song

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