While the Apple iPhone 5s and 5c will launch in India tomorrow, we’re also about to see something unprecedented. Reliance Communications is all set to launch the iPhone 5c and 5s in India on contract pricing. The package will include unlimited voice calls, SMS and 3G data for a fixed monthly sum. The pricing will vary from between Rs. 2,500 to Rs. 2,800 per month and the contract duration will be 24 months. Continue reading “Reliance Communications to introduce iPhone 5c & 5s on 2 year contract, monthly pricing to range from Rs 2,500 to Rs 2,800”
Tag: communications
Bluetooth SIG for Bluetooth adoption in India
Early adoption of Bluetooth wireless technology in India will begin with the mobile phone and headset application
The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) is a trade association comprised leaders in the telecommunications, computing, automotive, industrial automation and network industries that is driving the development of Bluetooth wireless technology and bringing them to market.
Read this article at CIOL