Squibble Portable Phone Concept

Squibble is a portable device concept that provides tactile audio and high contrast visual feedback for the visually impaired. It also features a braille reader. There are 779 ultrasonic motors used to generate the tactile feedback! Other features include Bluetooth connectivity. Continue reading “Squibble Portable Phone Concept”

Nokia UNIK Concept


Nokia UNIK is a cellphone concept that takes mobile phones to the next level. It is designed by Clement Logereau, a French designer.

According to him, the UNIK consists of 152 small squares and the handset can transform itself by adding new squares of different material and colours. The squares can be purchased from Nokia stores and customised according to your own will. It can be in different materials and sizes like steel, glass, rubber etc.

Sounds cool and reminds you of your younger years with Lego. But this concept may be a little too far from reality.


The Transformer Concept phone

One look at it and you might be tempted to ask: Is this a phone? An instrument to communicate?


It has been designed by Shkinder Maxim, the phone works mainly as a cell phone but is also capable of taking photos/video and functions as a multimedia player, a projector, and even supports holographic imaging and 3D scanning.

Its called the Transformer Concept Phone Continue reading “The Transformer Concept phone”