HTC has announced two new Dual SIM smartphones – Desire 620 dual SIM and Desire 620G dual SIM for Taiwan after the Desire 620 leaked recently. Both these have a 5-inch HD IPS display, run on Android 4.4 Kitkat with HTC Sense 6 UI on top, comes with a 8-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, 1080p video recording, HTC EYE experience and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera with a BSI sensor. Continue reading “HTC Desire 620 dual SIM and Desire 620G dual SIM with 5-inch HD display, 5MP front camera official”
Tag: Desire 620
HTC Desire 620 photo and specifications leaked
Specifications and leak of the HTC Desire 620 have been leaked by a Bulgarian website – Nixanbal. The phone which will be a successor to HTC Desire 610 has appeared as a full hands on report on the website.
Continue reading “HTC Desire 620 photo and specifications leaked”