Earlier in the year, at the MWC 2014, HTC announced the Desire 816 as the higher mid-range phablet and it was launched in India in April for Rs. 23,990. The Desire 816 comes with a 13MP camera on the back and a 5MP front facing “selfie” camera. The internals are on the same lines as the budget Moto G, but HTC hopes to sell the Desire 816 with a larger screen, a much better camera combination and their HTC Sense UI.
Tag: desire 816
HTC Desire 816 Photo Gallery
HTC is holding an event at the MWC 2014 where it will not be announcing its next flagship, but it hasn’t come empty handed. HTC has just announced a couple of Android smartphones. One among the two is the HTC Desire 816. HTC Desire 816 is the International variant of the HTC Desire 8 which HTC had announced a few weeks back in China. We are live from the event and we managed to get a few photos of the HTC Desire 816.